Careers Vision
At Launceston College we aim for young people to be happy, successful and responsible by learning the knowledge skills and values that are important for society.
Welcome to the Launceston College careers website. We very much hope that you find it both interesting and informative. This site has been designed to give a wide range of careers information about the activities and careers work of the College. We hope that in exploring the site you will gain an understanding of the way we work and the principles for which we stand.
The careers work and guidance programme at Launceston College helps the
College meet its NEET targets and helps:
contribute to strategies for raising achievement, especially by increasing motivation
support inclusion, challenge stereotyping and promote equality of opportunity
encourage participation in continued learning, including higher education
develop enterprise and employability skills
reduce drop out from, and course switching in education and training
contribute to the economic prosperity of individuals and communities.